Thursday, March 25, 2010

Toby at Skool!

Ready to skool!

We went early to NZX, to avoid the traffic jam, and to have lunch before the class starts.

Reached at about 2pm, which we have 2 hours free before the class start. Bring Toby to Fullhouse to have lunch..Some piccies of him at Fullhouse..

We went early to the class, so that Toby get to rest awhile before the lessons begin. Here it goes, pictures of his skool...

Baby training Toby..

Before the teacher teach a new lesson, Toby were required to perform last week's task, which was the command is SIT, STAY and COME...Toby scores well, I guess...

Toby's skool mate, a poodle, age about 3 months ++ I guess, and his name is MILO...

Teacher with Toby...

Toby is tired even before the class ends...

The lesson for the day is "Leave It, Take It". For this, Toby is doing absolutely great! Toby will not touch the treat when given the command "Leave It"...and once Toby did not touch the treats or when he turned his head away, we will give treats to awards him, with the command "Take It".

Right after class, we bring Toby to 1U's park, for a fresh air walk, and bought him some ice cream to cool the day down...while waiting for dinner. About 7pm, we head to Damansara Village Restaurant for dinner with Toby. To our surprise, Toby stay quietly while we having our dinner. Guess he is very tired, cause he even skipped his dinner on that day and went to sleep early...LOLX...

Absolutely a great day outing with him....And for surely, looking forward for this Saturday class again..another 4 more classes to go before Toby graduate...need to plan what to buy for him as his graduate pressie...headache!

Friday, March 19, 2010


Toby's went for obedience classes twice, and I did not get to accompany him to school due to my work schedule...and this week, I was lucky enough to get my offday on Saturday, so I get to bring Toby to school today!!!!!!

I feels excited!

Toby is resting now, and 2 more hours later, he will need to go school! Will post some pic of Toby during class time!

Catcha later!!!! Got to prepare Toby's stuff for skool!


Again, I am damn excited!!!!!!!!!!!

Random Pic March 2010

After a tired working day, we'll spend some time with Toby and do silly and crazy stuff...and 1 time, we decided to capture those silly and crazy moments with Toby...

Toby, the silly, crazy & cute golden retriever

Bear, Toby's small little companion...

Eeyore, the little blue furry..

Sweet moments...Bear & Toby


Toby's tiger pillow & zeBRA the friend!

The best shot of the night! Flying Ears....

Woohoo Year!!!

Let me introduce, Toby's living place....

Toby sleeps at the top floor, which is same floor, same room with us...

This entry was actually about the past 2010, Tiger's Chinese New Year...yea, an outdated post which I should have post it long long time ago..LOLX... The 1st and 2nd day of CNY nothing much happen, just that Toby were in not so good mood due to the fire crackers. Well, Toby don't really like it, that when everytime he hear the fire crackers, he will be afraid, hence, lack of sleep and rest...

As for the 3rd day of CNY, baby travel back to KL for a day trip to pay a visit to her relative's at KL. So we meet up, and I drove baby back to home to have a look at Toby, it's been few day that Toby didnt get to see her...Toby were excited when saw her coming back! After a quick lunch with baby, I got to rush home due to we will have a special event, the Lion's dance!

Toby waiting excitedly for the arrival of the lion's....

...waiting and waiting...

Here comes the twin Lions!

Me & Toby!