Thursday, August 13, 2009

2nd Vaccination

We plan the 2nd jab will be on Saturday..

But when almost 5.oo pm, I suddenly ask baby, do we wanna send Toby for the vaccination, as Toby's medicine is run out..10 minutes later, baby called me..she told me Dr.Lai called, ask how is Toby and he is suppose to go over for check up and vaccination. LOL... never thought Dr.Lai was so concern about Toby, till call us to remind us, in case we forgot. So we told him that we will be there around 7 sth, then he say will see us then.

So baby fetch me at 6.oo pm sharp, where we go in 1 car. Reach there around 7.00 pm, so Dr.Lai starts to check on Toby's condition. He advise us to do the 2nd vaccination right away, for Toby's safety. Thou Toby's is not 100% healthy, but he say the delay will make his condition worst, as the chances of getting the virus increase. So without further delay, we agree to go ahead with the vaccination, thou there is some minor risk. We choose the 9 in 1 vaccination, as recommended by the vet.

It just took few seconds, the jab is done without Toby noticing it. Dr.Lai gave him a treat, so Toby was busy eating, rather than on the vaccination. So after took some antibiotic, we went off as the day is getting late. We went over to Ipet's boutique, where just a few shops away, and bought a shirt for Toby.

So it's dinner time, and me with baby, went over to "Yat Yeh Hing" restaurant for our steamboat dinner, which located nearby Kelana Jaya. I read some forums, and alot of pet owners say that this restaurant is a pet friendly place. So along with Toby, we have our dinner there. Toby starts to fall asleep, and very moody, as the condition there is kinda hot. Toby hate when it's hot and steamy weather.

Hope Toby can cope with the vaccination, just in case any vomits or diahrea, we need to send him back to the vet a.s.a.p! But we are glad, as we have longing for this 2nd for some time. We pray hard everyday, that Toby will be healthy always...

Another good news, Toby's weight increase's 5.3 kg for today!