Thursday, June 24, 2010

Evening walk

As usual, if it doesn't rain on the evening, we'll take Toby for evening walk. Nowadays he seems to be more steady...he will not pee and poo that much during indoor. Once you let him outdoor, he will auomatically do his poo and pee business's he like he know that he should not poo and pee in the room, unless he really cant take it.

So, this is just about his normal evening walks....

The Fatty GR running...

And at times, he met his best buddy, Happy Chai, which happen is a male GR too! Happy lived at the end of the same row of houses and he is older than Toby by 6 or 8 months. Toby always shares his treats and food with Happy.

And when 2 playful GR meets up....

At the end, Toby was breathing heavily, and we have to serve him ice water for him to cool down...after 2 hours, you can start to hear his snoring..ZZzzZZZ~~!