Friday, July 31, 2009

3rd Vet in a month....

Toby was coughing the whole night. Baby urge me to bring him to see vet that is recommend by Viv and Yenny. So again, I took a day off, as baby don't know the route to the place.

The good part :
- He gain weight. Last weight is 2.25kg (last week), and now weight 3.8kg.
- His heart is doing good.
- No dehydration

The not so good part :
- His cough getting worst where he got lung infection, kinda serious condition (might need to monitor for around 6 weeks)
- Might lead to Distemper Virus (again)
- His 2nd vaccination need to be post pone, as his condition now is not suitable for vaccination.
- No more running, jumping, playing with balls as his condition can't support heavy breathing.

Again, vet ask us stop consuming the medication from the last vet, and starts another treatment
that is recommend by this vet. The flame in his lung / throat contains bacteria / virus that is killing the cell and making him hard to breath. Now we hope the medication that given by this vet can help Toby to relief his cough. If the condition is not getting any better, we need to send Toby for x-ray, to see whats the lung condition, and is there anywhere to cure him.

Last but not least, vet suggest we give Toby to drink 100 plus..haih...